We worship the Tomato. Ripe, supple, and bursting with juice, the scent of the Heirloom Tomato catapults us to memories of late Summer dinner parties in Sicilian gardens and awakens pleasure in all our uncommon senses.

Allergen Details


100% Vegetable Wax, cotton wick


Please note that safety is our main priority. We require all brand partners to participate in recurrent verification processes to confirm existing information and actively report any updates to ingredients and/or production facilities. Please be sure to double check for certifications that satisfy your requirements, and read the product’s label when you receive it, adhering to the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Flamingo Estate

Roma Heirloom Tomato Candle

Regular price $58.00
Regular price Sale price $58.00

Flamingo Estate is a pleasure-obsessed home of sun-worship, folk mythologies, and psychedelic remedies grown only by farmers we know and trust.

Flamingo Estate is my home and garden. But it’s more than that, too. It’s the story of a lush orchard and pleasure garden on a California hillside overlooking Los Angeles, and the many hands that have helped tend it. It’s a philosophy that champions slow ways and ancient practices. It’s a quest for intimacy — between plants and people, body and spirit, heaven and earth. There are skilled hands of expert purveyors at the helm of every bar of soap, every drop of oil, and there’s wisdom imbued in each product’s story. If something feels expensive here, it’s because these things are rare.
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